Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I've Entered a Photography Contest!

I received an announcement yesterday from a photography professional whose blog I watch ( MCP Actions).  She was announcing a contest with some great prizes.  The competitive part of me perked up and wondered if I could use my new photography and Photoshop skills to enter the contest.  Now, because I have absolutely nothing else to do with my time ( so what if the boys' room still needs a little rearranging, and the baby's room could be cleaned up a bit more for her arrival?) I spent a little time last night playing around and preparing an entry for the contest.  

The contest wanted us to use some of the photographer's products to create something with a "sweet theme" to advertise her products.  Above is what I came up with.  What do you think?

1 comment:

NCMomof3 said...

This is a great collage.. it makes me want an icy pop.. :)