Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Play Ball!

It is another season so that means another sport for our family.  This year marks Harrison's first year in t-ball.  The child is really pretty good at it!  Ed and I sometimes look at each other in amazement when we see what our little man can do.  The kid has an arm and he can really whack the ball too- even off the pitch.  And just look at that smile on that picture down there.

To make it even more fun we are playing with our friends/neighbors.  We have played every sport with them this year which has really made life fun for the kids ( and the mommies too!)  You can see our cute friends here.

Now, since Harrison is playing t-ball that means we are watching t-ball- even the littlest one!  Check out our newest t-ball fan:

Looks like she likes it as much as Harrison!

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