Just a few short years ago I took this picture of Harrison as he headed off to his first day of preschool. He was so happy to be joining his big brother Benjamin at their preschool in Kennesaw. He loved school that year. He would come home telling us he saw "B" on the playground. In fact, that is how our boys got their nicknames. When Ben saw Harrison he was always shouting "B....B..." since he couldn't say his brother's name yet. To be funny Ben started calling him "H", as did his teachers. The nicknames stuck and we now have an "H" and a "B". For his first year at preschool Harrison was in the youngest class while his brother was in the oldest class. I think he liked having the security of having his brother there. Just look at this little picture! Aren't they cute??

Now, fast forward a few years and we come to today, Harrison's last day of preschool. I snapped this shot of my H-man as he headed off to his last day of preschool. I can't believe it- preschool over for my little guy. A lot of things have changed since that first picture up there. We moved and Harrison had to start all over again at a new preschool. He did it all on his own, without his big brother. He made his own set of friends and learned the ropes of a new preschool. This year it was Harrison in the leader role as he was in the oldest group of kids while his little sister was in the "baby" class. He helped Liza learn a thing or two about preschool ( mainly just warning her to stay out of "time out".)
I am so proud of this little dude. I have seen him change and grow and he is such a fun little person. I love the joy I see in his face as he runs into his classroom. I love hearing that sweet, immature voice tell me about what they did in school. I love the way he completely loves his friends at school. And, while I know all of that won't change with him at "big school", I know some of it will and I will miss my little man being in preschool.
So, while I post about my pride in Harrison as he completes his preschool years, I can't help but to be grateful for the teachers along the way. Below is Harrison's first teacher, Miss Jessica. She also worked with Harrison's big brother and she knew our little Liza was she was just a tiny thing. When we moved we wished we could take Miss Jessica with us. She was an awesome teacher and my kiddos still remember her. Miss Jessica's "partner in crime" was Ms Becky. Ms Becky loved her H and H loved her too. We still miss our friends from our old preschool!

Now, although we do miss the people of KUMC preschool, we were blessed to end up Harrison's preschool years with Mrs. Lewis and Ms. Anita. You couldn't ask for any better teachers. These ladies are a great team and they provided Harrison with a loving class where he could learn, explore and grow. Although they had a handful of a class they had the calmest learning environment ever. These two are gifted teachers and I am so glad that Harrison had them.
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