Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Little Prince and Princess

Too often I feel like I get bogged down with all the things that need to be done.  I am trying to remember to stop and enjoy the little moments that will be gone all too soon.
Last night was a perfect moment to sit and absorb it all.

My little Liza has recently become enthralled with the Barbie's, Tweleve Dancing Princesses DVD.  She watched it yesterday while Harrison was in school.  She twirled  and danced in front of the TV.  I can't help but think that in her little mind she was planning out what was to come.

Later yesterday afternoon, while I was feeding Louisa, Liza and Harrison wandered in wanting to watch the princess movie.  Now, you must know that my little Harrison REALLY gets into movies.  He loves to act them out.  It wasn't long before both Harrison and Liza disappeared into her closet.  They returned all dressed up as a prince and princess.  The two of them stayed in character right through dinner.  Their rooms were their "kingdoms", Liza was called "lady" and Harrison gently led her from room to room.  Of course, this crazy mom who loves taking pictures had to snap a few of my royal kiddos.  Aren't they the cutest thing ever?  Moments like this just make me smile.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, that is so stinkin' cute! Love their little hand holding.