So, I realize it has been a while since I posted, but we are still here! Life has just been busy these past few weeks- a trip to see my college friends, basketball games & practices, and a new Friday night tradition, WiiFit Family Fun Night. ( I have to take pictures of family night but I don't think pictures can capture the hilariousness of watching us all ski jump.) Anyway, I thought I would make a quick post to at least bring the blog up to date.
I snapped these pictures this morning. This girl is crazy! She now insists on dressing herself. Who cares if she can't ever get the shirt over her head? Didn't you know shirts can be worn as hats/head wraps??? This girl is stylin'.

And of course I had to get a picture of my little doll. Look at her! She really does look like a doll to me in this picture. Better than a doll though this little one smiles and laughs at us. She even likes us so much that she has learned to squeal her head off if we leave her alone too long. Smart little cookie, she is. Already knows how to get what she wants!!
I'll do better about posting this week! I have lots of pictures I have been working on. Staytuned to find out what I'm up too!

1 comment:
Yea, new pics!
You have two little dolls!
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