And here is Sarah's husband with their youngest. I just love it. Don't you just love how little Noah has his arm across his Daddy's shoulder? Too sweet!
And here is my cutie patootie baby. This was her first trip to the beach since she has learned to walk. After a few minutes of getting her feet used to the sand she was good to go. She wandered all over.
And this is a view we have of our little Louisa quite a lot. Seems she isn't scared of leaving us behind.
And this is one of my favorite shots from our little playdate on the beach. See? I told you she wasn't scared of leaving us behind...
Now, in addition to our trip to the beach we enjoyed a trip up to Williamsburg. On the way there we stopped at the "Invisible Swamp" also known as the Great Dismal Swamp. Seems Harrison really liked our rest stop there and he wanted to go to the invisible place on the way home.
We also enjoyed Easter Day in Raleigh where all the Kurzmann girls met up with Mom Mom and Pop Pop. The cousins had a great time running around the yard and eating Mom Mom's good cooking.
Back in New Bern we had playdates with friends, had multiple movie nights, stayed up late and slept in ( as late as a baby will let you) and had good old fun just hanging out. Sadly, spring break is coming to an end but the good memories we made won't.
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