Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Cute Are These Girls?

So, I am playing around with my camera this afternoon and my girls actually cooperated and let me take some pictures while they played. Occasionally, I could get Liza to look at me. You should see the number of pictures I have of her looking down. This one was cuter though.

After a while, these are the looks I got from Liza. Can't you just hear her, "Seriously... M-om."

And here is my littlest cutie. I tell you, I have more blurry shots of this child then any of the others as babies. She is all over the place. Sometimes I managed to catch her, like for this one brief moment.

And here is the little one with one of her favorite toys to steal from her big sister- the Leapster. Thank goodness Leapsters are tough. As you can see Louisa likes the taste of Leapsters :-0!

And finally, this image just cracks me up. Na- nanny-boo-boo!

Not much else to share tonight other than my sweet little girls!

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