Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ahead of the Game- Planning Valentines!

I just finished posting these on my photography blog and couldn't resist sharing them here as well. I am so excited about Valentine's Day this year. I have found the cutest card templates. Now if I can just decide which to use!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How Cute Are These Girls?

So, I am playing around with my camera this afternoon and my girls actually cooperated and let me take some pictures while they played. Occasionally, I could get Liza to look at me. You should see the number of pictures I have of her looking down. This one was cuter though.

After a while, these are the looks I got from Liza. Can't you just hear her, "Seriously... M-om."

And here is my littlest cutie. I tell you, I have more blurry shots of this child then any of the others as babies. She is all over the place. Sometimes I managed to catch her, like for this one brief moment.

And here is the little one with one of her favorite toys to steal from her big sister- the Leapster. Thank goodness Leapsters are tough. As you can see Louisa likes the taste of Leapsters :-0!

And finally, this image just cracks me up. Na- nanny-boo-boo!

Not much else to share tonight other than my sweet little girls!

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Few From the Birthday Gathering

Liza's birthday party is not for a few more weekends. The holidays got the best of her mommy and the slacker didn't book her party early enough :-0! Oh well, gives us something to look forward too.

The night was still special though. Our best buddies came over to eat cake with us and a pretty cake it was. Check it out! Liza picked out the colors. ( And no- I didn't make it. )

Liza enjoyed opening presents. She loved her leapster game that got. She inherited the leapster once Harrison got a DS. Now that she has a "girl game" I am thinking it will be pulled out a lot more often. Her favorite thing so far about it? There is a sing along! Now she can sing with the princesses!

This picture just cracks me up. Look at the crowd at her little psuedo party- ALL boys ( except Louisa). How cute is that? My girl is a girly girl. She loves to wear dresses, insists on wearing dresses, loves dolls and makeup BUT she can hang with the boys. She is no push over. On any other day you may catch her wielding a light saber, yelling and chasing these boys. But, for today she was a little birthday princess.

Clapping at the singing. Remember, this girls loves to sing and I guess she loves to be serenaded too.

And a wish!

We had a lot of fun for such an impromptu party. Maybe this birthday planning stuff isn't needed after all. Give us cake and our awesome neighbors and that is party enough!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Birthday Girl

Liza's 4th birthday was yesterday. Hard to believe, but my big girl is now 4! We let her open one present in the morning- this pretty pink jumper. It had an adorable polka dot cardigan to accompany it. The cheery little cardigan is what made me buy the outfit as a birthday present. It just screamed birthday dress to me. But, 4 year old girls are quite particular about what they wear. So, sorry. Liza wanted the whole dress to show in her picture which meant no cardigan.

Here is my little birthday girl looking like she just might eat that lollipop before I tell her she can.

And this shot made me think she must have been dreaming of her valentine. Such a funny little thing she is!

And this one, I processed a little different with a Florabella Action. I just love the cool and dreamy look of it.

And this one is just my sweet little LuLu.

Happy Birthday my sweet girl. You are mommy's angel girl, sent straight from heaven.