My little Liza was sweet enough to let me practice taking some pictures of her tonight. I tell you, my kids are really not into helping me out when it comes to picture taking these days. They are completely over being my test subjects. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I suggested going outside tonight and letting mommy take a few pictures. Liza said she would help me out so outdoors we went.
Now, although I do love the little shot I got of Liza, the real reason for her picture being on this post is because her mommy is super proud of her. This week our church has been holding VBS ( Vacation Bible School for my Yankee friends). Liza and Louisa were supposed to be in the nursery all week as I led a group of kids. Louisa had different ideas though and she learned very quickly ( like within 30 minutes of me dropping her off the first day!) that if she shrieked her high pitch squeal, then she would get busted out of the nursery. And me, being the tender hearted mommy couldn't bear to leave my Liza in the nursery ( it was ALL babies!) if Louisa was going to have to accompany me around all morning. So, I told Liza she could rotate through the stations with my group ( the rising kindergarteners) as long as she as a good girl. Well, Miss Liza was a good girl! She listened. She followed directions. She participated. And the crowning jewel in the whole thing was tonight, on the way back from dropping Benjamin off. We had the VBS music CD playing in the car and I heard my sweet little Liza's voice singing "We can trust Him, We can trust Him". Something about hearing her soft little voice singing songs that talked about such important and bigs ideas, made me proud of her. She was a trooper.
And to be fair, all of my kiddos were troopers and made their momma proud. Benjamin was in a rather challenging group but the leader made a point to come up and tell me how thankful she was to have Benjamin there as she could count on him to listen and help out. And my Harrison was in my group, which isn't always the easiest on a kid. He really made me proud though! We had the largest group at 30, and I didn't have to speak to him once this whole week. I had some very active little kids but Harrison knew how to behave and did his best. Not only did they all behave, but they also learned a lot. Every night we have been able to talk about what we learned the previous day and they made sure to bring in donations each day to go towards our mission ( we collected over 1000 pounds of food!!). All in all it was a crazy busy but super fun week and this momma is oh so proud of her babies.
1 comment:
What a great VBS and what a sweetie Liza is.
If you need a kid to practice on, I happily volunteer Sophia. She won't sit sit, but you'd be welcome to snap away.
Hope all is well!
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