The kiddos are with their MiMi and PawPaw tonight. What have I been doing? Well, I have been a complete geek sitting in front of my computer and practicing my picture processing. Sad, huh? (Ed and I did go to dinner by ourselves though!) I am starting a small photography business and I can't stand the thought of not being able to deliver to my soon to be clients. I am a "go by the book" kind of person and I want to know the correct way of doing everything. I have taken photography classes and processing classes and I can actually see a light at the end of the tunnel. I have been able to "connect the dots" and I am beginning to gain confidence in my abilities. Here are a few of my practice pictures from tonight. A few are posting slightly different for some reason. Not sure why. I will have to figure that one out later. The colors seem to be a bit more dull on Liza's picture. Strange...
I just love this shot of my nephew, Noah. I love the dog in the background of the super bright window and I love how he really stands out in comparison to the "blown" window. While I do like it there are some things I would do different if I got to shoot it over again ( this is me reflecting on my work- something my National Board Certification for teaching drilled into my head!). For starters I would have made sure to get his feet and his hands in the picture. It really bothers me that I didn't, but hey- I won't make that mistake again!

You may have heard of Judy Moody. She is a funny little character in a series of children's books. Here is Liza Moody. Look at that pout. This is the picture that looks different uploaded to blogger than it does on my computer. She looks a bit more washed out for some reason. Not sure why though. Note to self: figure that out!
This is a picture of my nieces, Molly and Chelsea. They were going to a Daddy/Daughter dance. Didn't they look pretty? My sister and I were two crazy Mamarazzis running around getting their pictures and talking about where the good light was. Yes, she obviously is a geeky as me!
Well, that is all for now. Don't worry, there are sure to be lots more where these came from!