I posted earlier that I was trying to do this "picture a day" thing to document our lives in December. I HAVE been taking pictures. Lately though, I have just been running out of time to get them on the computer and ready to post. Here are a few of my favorites from the past few days:
December 6th

Liza loved the lights on the Christmas tree during our breakfast with Santa.
December 7th

It might not look like it, but these boys were getting ready to watch a Christmas parade. Of course, being the imaginative little guys that they are, they were thinking they were Power Rangers. Power Rangers and Christmas- they go together, right?
December 8th

Truth be told, the sight above almost made me cry. I told the boys that we would decorate the tree after I got the lights on it. They went upstairs, I thought to play. Instead of playing though they were helping their mommy by bringing down the boxes of ornaments. I knew they were excited to decorate the tree but there was just something about seeing the two of them working together, laughing and giggling as they tried to maneuver the big box that touched my heart. Ahh, my boys are growing up and turning into fine little people.
December 9th

We have been trying to bribe Liza into using a big girl potty. When we were out shopping a few weeks ago she saw a Gabriella doll (from High School Musical) that she really wanted. Ed and I decided we would get it but not open it until Liza used the potty. For weeks the doll has been sitting in her box on Liza's dresser. Every now and then she would go and get the box and carry it around but to our surprise it did absolutely nothing to get her to want to use the potty. Finally, the other day, she managed to use the potty. Yeah! She was so excited to finally have her doll that she fell asleep with her. Just had to snap a picture!
Dec. 10th

Ed and I are always saying that Harrison needs to be in drama. The boy seriously loves to act things out. Here is a picture of him from his Christmas play. He was a king. None of the boys in his class wanted to be Joseph. We tried talking Harrison into it by telling him Joseph was a daddy to a king. He wouldn't have any part of it. He wanted to be a king and a great king he was!

1 comment:
These are so stinkin' cute! Did you purchase a bunch of those MCP Actions?
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