OK, so the holidays have gotten the best of me. We have been so busy that I have neglected my blog. I have been taking pictures though so I had to share a few before hitting the hay! Here are a few test pictures that I took with my new lens ( Christmas present from my #1 supporter, Ed).
Harrison has recently started to want to hold Louisa all the time. He gets so tickled now that she can "talk back" to him.

Look at my little Louisa. Wasn't she just born?? How is she so big so fast?
Tough boy Benjamin here. My dad told me he looked a little red ( I had told him I was working on getting my skin tones to look better in pictures). Thing is, he really was red. He had been playing basketball when I begged him to stand still long enough for me to take a shot with my new lens.
Ahhh, the terrifically, terrible, twosome. These two can get into lots of trouble together. Can't you just see them scheming??
That's it for now. More to come soon. We will be visiting with Mom Mom and Pop Pop and all the cousins soon. A "wanna be" photographer's heaven- fresh kids to practice on!!!
Happy New Year everyone!