Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gotta Love Fall

So, I have been driving up and down the road ( I spend half my day shuttling kids to and fro) admiring all the beautiful fall foliage.  I have been thinking about how I need to try to snap some fall-ish pictures of the kids.  But, let's face it- I can't even manage to get two loads of laundry done lately.  How the heck can I manage to take fun pictures of the kiddos?  Well, as the Nike slogan says, "Just do it!" and that is exactly what I did.

I have to admit, I had to bribe the boys.  What was the price?  A can of Sierra Mist.  We don't drink too many soft drinks around here so to the boys, their own can of soda was too tempting.  Then, when I told them they could play football while I took pictures, it pushed them right over the edge.  

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