Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Liza's Big Day

It was a big day for our little Liza Lu.  Today was her first day of preschool.  For the past few weeks we have been building it up for her.

I taught her to say her teacher's name, Neumann.

Harrison reminded her not to get into time out.

Benjamin told her not to bite.

Ed told her to have fun.

All we needed was for the day to arrive and it finally did.  We got ready this morning without a fuss ( unless you consider insisting on a "big tail" instead of the two pony tails that her mommy had made her).  She was excited to wear her little red shoes that she received from her cousins Molly and Chelsea and she insisted on wearing her "Liza bag" on her arm for most of the morning.  

Yes, there were a few tears as she realized that Mommy wouldn't be staying with her but she was a big girl and stayed with her teachers.  Her day went well and she was able to tell us that she played in the kitchen and that she painted with purple, pink and red.  I think her favorite thing to share though was the fact that a boy got in time out for throwing something- what we aren't quite sure.  All in all I think the day was a success.  She may even want to go back on Friday!

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