I just logged on and I can't believe I haven't posted since April! Yikes! Where has the time gone? Here are a few things that have happened since April:
* Ed and I have both turned 40. ( Yes, we are really that old!)
* Ben has turned into a 4th grader and Harrison is now a 1st grader.
* Liza is getting ready to start her last year of preschool.
* Louisa has become quite the chatter box.
* We enjoyed taking Liza on her first trip to the magical place that is Disney.
* We enjoyed a family reunion and got to introduce all the kids to the farm where my mom grew up.
* Ben played a summer season with the New Bern All Stars again.
* Liza and Harrison got to play on the same t-ball team.
* Harrison conquered his fear of jumping into the pool.
* The kids and I enjoyed a week at Emerald Isle.
* The whole Kurzmann clan gathered for a fun filled week at Kiawah Island.
* Liza participated in her first dance recital.
* Liza got a new hair-do. She now matches her mommy :-)
* We enjoyed a fun week of Vacation Bible School.
We have had a great summer and I am sad to see it come to an end. I like having all my babies at home with me. And yes, they have pushed my buttons a bit. I mean really, four kids at home all summer?? Of course they have had their disagreements and thrown their fits. But, all in all, I just love these little people! They are becoming such interesting people and I love being around them.
Hope you guys have had a great summer too!