I can't stand to post without pictures. And, I have been so busy doing pictures for other people and trying to keep up with my kiddos that I have not been taking many pictures for me. However, yesterday I received a nice little package in the mail. In the package was my "new to me" lens that I have been wanting for a while. I found one for sale on one of my photography forums and had a little money from my business to reinvest so I bought it.
And oh my goodness! I LOVE it! I don't think I will take this lens off for a while. Well, I take that back. I told Ed that we could wrap it up for me for my Christmas present. Sad, I know but hey Christmas is really about the kids.
So, here are few test shots with my new baby:
Check out Liza's dismount from the rings. Lovely, huh?

And look how sharp she is here!
And, not only does this little baby take nice pics outside, it does well inside too. I surprised Louisa. Look at her cute little mouth.
Liza was not so surprised. She knows mommy can be crazy with a camera sometimes. I love how she cut her eyes at me.
And here I cracked the little lady up. I guess mommy taking pictures of you trying to take a bath can be pretty funny.
So, there you have it. A few shots with my new lens. Wow-za it is sharp! I just can't even stand it. Yes, I am a geek. I love a new toy that works well. Perhaps after I unwrap it at Christmas you will see some more pictures!