Most of you know that I am starting my own custom photography business. I have been spending the month of March getting everything together for my big "launch". So, that is why I have been neglecting my blog a bit. It isn't that I haven't been shooting pictures, or that nothing exciting is happening. Rather, I have just been too busy to hop on here and post. Sad, I know. But, hey, first things first.
In preparation for my new venture I have been taking classes, reading and honing my skills. The last piece of this puzzle has been learning how to process my pictures the right way. Back in "the day" you used to do this in a darkroom. Nowadays, you do it sitting in front of your computer. (Boy am I glad about that. I don't think I would have my kiddos running around while I was in a darkroom!) I finally feel confident in my ability to get my pictures to look the way I want them too.
You will be seeing more on here soon. Plus, I will be announcing where you can go to watch how my photography business is doing. I am working on a new blog dedicated just to my photography. So exciting!
Here are a few recent pictures. You can't have a blog post without pictures, right??
Here is my happy little Louisa. Look at that girl! Isn't she the cutest? She is such a happy baby. I seriously can't imagine our family without her. I thought Liza was going to be our only little "angel girl". I am so glad that we got blessed with two "angel girls".

It FINALLY warmed up here AND stopped raining long enough for us to get out yesterday. Of course, sun + warmth+ outside= photo op so, I managed to snag a few of the older kiddos. While this photo may not be technically perfect it is emotionally perfect to me. Don't they look sweet???
And last but not least, I just love this picture of Liza "driving" away on her tricycle. Today a trike, tomorrow a car. When we moved here Liza was just a little older than Louisa is now ( scroll back to that picture up there.) I can hardly believe that little Liza is big enough to ride her little bike around. Yikes! Time is flying!
Well,that is it for now. Sorry I haven't been around as much but I will try to do better!