Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 30, 2008

He's Going, Going, Gone!

Big Ben, as his cousin Molly calls him, scored his first touchdown today!  It was hot, muggy and pretty miserable at the game but the suffering was worth it to see my boy run the ball for his first touchdown ever.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a big fan of my "little boy" playing football, but it sure was exciting to see him run for over fifty yards to get the first score in the game.  Go Ben!  Now, can mommy convince you to play a non-contact sport??

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Bear Walk

No, they didn't walk like a bear or talk like a bear, but they DID dream of being Bears- high school football players that is. Our local Pop Warner teams were invited to the high school to hear our state championship coach and to form the tunnel that the players ran through as they entered the stadium tonight. The kids got to go through the locker room and see the players prepare for the game. Unfortunately, we lost the game but the kids got a glimpse into what being a "big football player" will be like.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year- or Not

Have you all seen that Staple's commercial with "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" playing in the background as a mom drags her kids through Staples getting their school supplies?  I always chuckle over that commercial and the vastly different emotions that back-to- school time carries for kids vs their parents. 

Here is what we have had to get back in the swing of this week:

getting up early
packing lunches
catching the school bus
doing homework
fixing/eating dinner early
early bedtimes

While I do like getting back into a more set routine I miss having all my "babies" at home with me.  Benjamin started back to school on Monday and the house has been a little too quiet.  Next week will get even quieter as Harrison and Liza head back to preschool.  Imagine, a few days a week with no kids in the house!  Not to worry though, Baby Reno will make an appearance at the end of September and then I will be trying to remember what is was like to do anything alone.

Whether or not you view this time of the year  as the most wonderful time or not it is certainly a time of changes.  As we get ready to head into fall I hope you are able to live into and enjoy the changes that are occurring in your life.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Beginning-Again!

Have you ever started something only to abandon it due to getting caught up in something else? Well, I'll be the first to admit I did just that. Over a year ago my friend Rebecca sent me a link to her really great blog ( you can check it out

Rebecca's Blog

Anyway, it inspired me to give blogging a try. Only problem was I was also just getting into digital scrapbooking. Taking up two new hobbies wouldn't have phased me ten years ago, but 3 kids later time is at a premium. So, scrapping on the computer won out and my poor little blog never grew up.

This summer my passion for learning didn't stray too far from the digital realm and I took an online class for digital photography. After all, I had a great DSLR and I knew that I wasn't even using half of the features the thing had. The class was awesome and my poor kids had to help mommy with her homework more times than they would care to remember. I am learning how to take good pictures and learning more and more about how to make them great with Photoshop. Learning all this new photography stuff has had me surfing the web, and stumbling over these fantastic blogs showing great photos and digital scrapbook pages. All of this brings me to this post- the first post on my new blog.

Why am I giving this blog thing a go-AGAIN? Well, pretty soon we will have a new baby in the family. After three little ones I know that my time in front of the computer will be severely limited. While I LOVE my digital scrapbooking, I must admit I am slow at it. It takes me a while to make a layout that I love. I know I will still scrapbook pages here and there but while the baby is little I think a blog will be perfect. After all, the whole reason I scrapbook is to help document our family at any given moment in time. Another reason to blog- our family has a lot going on and I take pictures of it all! A blog will be a nice way to share my pictures and write a little something about what we are doing. I hope to create a book out of the blog eventually- a "scrapblog" I guess.

So, here we go- a brand new blog! Stay tuned to see how crazy our life gets in a few weeks when we go from a family of five to a family of six!